• Spirit (map)
  • 242 51st St
  • Pittsburgh, PA, 15201

6:30-10pm | 21+

Nerd Nite Pittsburgh is a lecture series that’s a mix between a TED talk, a comedy show, and a networking mixer! Speakers present for 15 minutes on a variety of topics related to science and technology, popular culture, history, and other nerdery with a vibe that’s as entertaining as it is academic! Audience members can ask questions, and beforehand there is an entirely optional networking game. If you like alcohol, learning about random and interesting things, and meeting other nerds this is for you! Networking game starts at 6:30, Doors open for the show at 7:30, show starts at 7:45. If you have a topic you are passionate about and you’d like to be a speaker at a later event get in touch at pittsburgh@nerdnite.com! June 16th will show the following presentations:

“Finding Galactic Supernova Remnants from the Couch”

At the end of their lives, massive stars explode as supernovae, leaving behind glowing embers known as supernova remnants (SNRs). These SNRs are evidence for the chemical enrichment by high-mass stars that creates the elements necessary for life. Our Milky Way Galaxy should have over 1000 SNRs but so far most have evaded detection. Professor Loren Anderson will discuss his efforts to uncover a hidden population of Galactic SNRs, all while sitting on his couch. Dr. Anderson is an Associate Professor of Physics & Astronomy at West Virginia University.

Dr. Whiz Kid or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the bladder

Not content with her own urine, Maria Jantz has decided to embark upon the world’s greatest pissing contest. Things people have said to Maria after hearing that she researches bladder control include:

“Oh my gosh I had a UTI last month!”

“I’m sorry but honestly that doesn’t sound that interesting.”

“Peeing is ruined for me now.”

You, too, can add to these consistently rave reviews. This talk will cover the neuroscience of the bladder, what we can do to fix it when things go catastrophically wrong, and an assortment of delightful bladder facts.

Maria is a PhD candidate in Bioengineering at the University of Pittsburgh. When she’s not studying the bladder, she can be found making neuron mugs, doing handstands, or baking cookies. Her childhood hero was Ms. Frizzle.

Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Free WiFi

Jeff Krakenberg is a traveling comedian based out of the Midwest that constantly struggles with social media and works as a cybersecurity consultant, a digital literacy helper, or a technical instructor depending on the day. One of the craziest things to Jeff is how readily people accept the “security” of public networks so let’s talk about WiFi.

Networking game:

Our Networking game will take place before the show from 6:30-7:30. Similar to ‘Speed Dating’ or ‘Speed Networking’ our game is ‘Speed Friending’! Whether you are new to the city and hoping to make friends, trying to expand your professional network with other nerds, or are single and looking to mingle, the game is just about meeting new people! We have a system in place to rotate everyone around to meet someone new every 5 minutes, then you can fill out an online form with which conversations you enjoyed and we’ll email you your matches! You are welcome to join late, but if you want to get the most of it arrive at 6:15 to register and the first round will start at 6:30.

If you haven’t been here before, check what this is about with videos from our YouTube channel:


This event is 21+ and requires ID. The venue has limited space and there may not be door sales if we sell out, which happens regularly. Be sure to get a ticket before heading over.