It's happening. Sad Karaoke. All sad songs. No cover, suggested donation to RAINN to sing. Hosted by Matt Buchholz and Andrea Laurion. There will be red wine and Kleenex. You want to be here.

1. The songs must be sad. What makes a sad song? You know. We all know. Don’t be difficult. But anyway, all songs are at the discretion of the hosts. If it’s not sad enough, no dice.
2. No irony. You are here to sing sad songs and be in your feelings. If you are not in the mindset to perform Bonnie Raitt’s “I Cant Make You Love Me” and really MEAN IT, we do not want you at Sad Karaoke.
3. Check Youtube to see if your song has a karaoke version, and if so, which one you like. Did you know there's a Karaoke version of The Mountain Goats' "This Year"? Yep.
4. Singing HIGHLY encouraged. Don't just sit there. Get up and sing. Duets or singing backup count. The money goes towards a good cause.

Sad Karaoke.

8pm || no cover || 21+