Make Sure You Have Fun™ is one of the scenes longest running and most popular monthly events centering in Hip Hop, R&B, Trap, Dancehall and more on one dancefloor every month featuring local and national DJs.
Join us Saturday May 11th 2019 as Make Sure You Have Fun™ Presents: DJ Bamboo, Slim Tha Dj, Stevie B (D.C.) & Birthday DJ Set from RB.
10P-2A || 21+
$5 w/ RSVP || $8 w/o RSVP
DJ Bamboo
With over 10 years of DJing and music production under his belt, DJ Bamboo is a pioneer of the Pittsburgh music scene. He’s held down multiple weekly residencies at every major venue throughout the city and country. Bamboo’s passion for music shows in his style and sound, mixing things up playing a wide variety of genres to keep things interesting yet energetic on the dance floor.
Follow DJ Bamboo on Instagram
Follow DJ Bamboo on Twitter
Listen to DJ Bamboo on Mixcloud
Just a random dude from Pittsburgh PA.
Follow RB on Instagram
Listen to RB on Soundcloud
For more events and to stay up to date be sure to follow us on Facebook at Make Sure You Have Fun™ !
Make Sure You Have Fun™ is committed to ensuring the safest and most welcoming environment for our patrons and party goers. Agreeing to come to a Make Sure You Have Fun™ event you agree to respect personal boundaries, be accepting of all people regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, gender or color. Please always be respectful and be kind. After all that is done, let's have some fun.
If ever there is a complaint, issue or praise please don't hesitate to email us at