Make Sure You You Have Fun Presents:
Make Sure You Laugh
Come out for a night filled with laughter as your favorite local comedians take to the stage for Make Sure You Have Fun™ Presents: Make Sure You Laugh!
Join us on Wednesday, August 14th, 2019 for our sixth show in this new series with comedians Aarik Nesby, Mike DiGuglielmo, Andreas O'Rourke, and its all hosted by Leanora Haselrig.
All of our show's proceeds benefit Persad Center
Doors @ 9/Show @ 9:30pm || $10 Advance Tickets/$12 Day Of Show || 21+
100% of the event is direct donation
Aarik Nesby @kingnesby
Is an up and coming Pittsburgh comedian who’s been around the scene for 2 years he’s performed all over Pittsburgh including the improv & a few clubs outside of the city.
Mike DiGuglielmo @diggy72486
A founding member of Loose Cannon Comedy, Mike DiGuglielmo dabbles in stand-up, podcasting and other dumb web content. Making good on a New Year’s resolution, Mike has been performing stand-up comedy in and around Pittsburgh since 2014.
Along with his Loose Cannon Comedy partner Adam Prevade, Mike produces and co-hosts the long-running “Obey House Comedy Hour (and a Half)” stand-up show at the Obey House Tavern in Crafton Heights, as well as “Comedy Room Service” at the Ace Hotel Pittsburgh. He has also performed at various Pittsburgh venues, including Arcade Comedy Theater, the Pittsburgh Improv and Steel City Improv Theater.
In the podcast realm, Mike makes up fake movie sequels as a co-host of the “Sequelitis” comedy podcast. For some reason, he also provides live color commentary for drunken bar games on the “Obey House Classic” podcast.
Andreas O'Rourke @andreasorourke
Is a comedian from the city of Pittsburgh. He specializes in telling stories about growing up, and his crazy family!
He's performed in fire halls, bars, restaurants, and everywhere in between. He recently even won a comedy competition in Youngstown, Ohio.
He's always excited anytime he gets a chance to perform, and he's guaranteed to make you laugh at least once!
Leanora Haselrig @sunshine_726
Born and raised in Johnstown, Pa. I’ve been modeling for 9 years and acting for 4 years. I love comedy shows, concerts, festivals, pretty much any social event that seems like a good time. I love to laugh, meet new people and have a great time. I’m currently in improv classes and one would like to do a stand up comedy set.