Make Sure You You Have Fun Presents:
Make Sure You Laugh: Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank

Doors @ 8/Show @ 8:30pm || $5 Advance Tickets/$8 Day Of Show || 21+

Come out to join us for a night filled with laughter as your favorite local comedians take to the stage for Make Sure You Have Fun™ Presents: Make Sure You Laugh. Cozy atmosphere, tasty pizza & hilarious acts.

But it isn't all jokes, folks. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank! Our virtual drive is up now so even if you cannot make it the show you can donate. In the city of Pittsburgh 31.8% of children live below the federal poverty line and 14.6% of Pennsylvanians are food insecure. So not only will you enjoy some great laughs, but you'll be helping children facing hunger.
$1 = 5 meals

Join us on Wednesday, March 6th, 2019 for our second show in this new series with comedians Ray Zawodni and Paige Polesnak. All hosted by Drinking Partners Podcast's own Day Bracey!