The 10th ANNIVERSARY of the Valentine's Pudding Wrestling Massacre.

Don't miss out on the city's most action-packed, messy, fun night of the year. These ladies may have costumes and entrance songs and themed names, but this is no pre-planned wrestling event. Contestants battle it out with 3 rounds per match in order to advance to the finals, where the winner takes home a CASH PRIZE and 10th Anniversary bragging rights!

The event includes:
+12 Pittsburgh ladies wrestling in vanilla pudding
+CASH $$$ PRIZE for the winner
+Celebrity judges (do you think Bill Peduto or Sharon Needles will return?)
+Large projection screen near the bar (so you don't miss any of the action)
+Keebs as master of ceremonies and referee
+The Beautiful Bianca as ring girl
+Cutups on decks
+Raffles and giveaways
+T-shirts by Matt Gondek
+And lots and lots of vanilla pudding

Check out this reel from 2013:

Doors @ 9 / Event @ 10pm || $10 || 21+

For the best view the whole night and guaranteed entry if it’s sold out, grab a Reserved Seat ticket: