Join Tröegs at Spirit from 5-7pm to meet artist Logan Schmitt who created the artwork for Golden Thing, their newest DIPA. Schmitt will be at Spirit selling and signing prints of his otherworldly creation. 

Info on the label art: 

”One of the most fun parts of releasing a new beer is working with a favorite artist to bring it to life. For our new Double IPA Golden Thing, we once again connected with Logan Schmitt Illustration and let him know that the inspiration for this beer came from walking the hop fields in Yakima and being stopped in our tracks by the striking aromas of lemon rind and sweet pinesap found in the Lemondrop hop. This otherworldly horned creature – twisted with vines of lemons and hops – was his creative take, and we love it. “What’s the best practice if you come across one of these beasts in the wild?” someone asked Logan. “Ask if it wants to grab a beer,” of course.”
