Carol Peterson left us way too soon. To celebration her life, a memorial service will be held Friday, Jan. 26, from 6 to 10 p.m. at Spirit Bar in Lawrenceville. Kelly Carter will DJ. We will eat and drink (cash bar), tell tall tales, laugh and cry, and remember Carol's many contributions to our lives and the city of Pittsburgh. The memorial is a benefit for two organizations Carol loved: 

1. Lawrenceville Stakeholders, a 501c4 advocacy group that advances sustainable development and historic preservation in Pittsburgh. Send checks to: Lawrenceville Stakeholders, c/o 187 43rd Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15201


2. Preservation Pittsburgh
1501 Reedsdale Street, Suite 5003
Pittsburgh, PA 15233
or electronically

Carol was a champion of historic preservation who personally rescued and rehabbed numerous homes in Lawrenceville and Polish Hill. She wrote approximately 1,940 house histories in her lifetime. She was tenacious, witty, driven and unyielding. She is loved and missed. She hated the Susan B. Komen Foundation and railed against them. Read why in this article, “When Pink Stinks: the Questionable Practices of the Komen Foundation,” which she wrote for City Paper:

Carol loved her work. She also adored her cat, Wee-Bey. She was a beer snob, who drank IPAs with gusto. She was an obsessive and dedicated Pirates Fan. She knew zoning law the way some people know scripture. She suffered no fools. She loved the mosh pit, Oreos, gummy bears, the Roboto board, the real estate transfer listings in the Post-Gazette, the Ramones, historic preservation, vernacular architecture, and most of all her large and loving circle of friends, which includes all of YOU.

We love you, Carol Peterson.