
according to both the julian and gregorian calendars, july is frequently referred to as the "meat" in summer's sandwich. and while the vegetarians amongst us might find that a bit hard to swallow (ahem), it is for good reason. nestled comfortably between summer's toasted outer shells, july occupies that prime sandwich real estate-- smack dab in the middle!! 

but not unlike those scottish folk legends, stealers wheel, this time of year one might actually find themselves truly stuck in the middle. from the depths of summer's slow pace (with no blip on the the holiday radar until labor day), it is not uncommon to be found peering off into the bleak landscape, searching for an answer. bodies drenched with languid movements, burdened by the sting of solar lashes, crying out for sweet relief! 

behold: "STRANGEWAYS", glistening like an oasis. a fertile spot in your arid social calendar. and while not an officially recognized holiday, we do pride ourselves on possessing many of the same hallmark characteristics as most national observances.

but honestly, sometimes you don't need a real reason to celebrate. it's just nice to get together and rage with a bunch of people you love... and that's really what it's all about. xo

strangeways: a better life through dancing
60s / 70s / 80s / 90s / 00s / 10s
britpop / postpunk / indie / psych

w/ djs jesley snipes & the comeback kid
•visuals by marie mashyna•

9:30pm - 2:00am // 21+ // $5