"the smallest show in town" is an all-ages, family-friendly, variety show that features acoustic music, storytelling, improv comedy, familiar faces and special guests--all with the smell of frying butter in the air. That's right--grilled cheese sandwiches made to order! 

This special "Days of Summer Edition" will feature musical guests, Guy Capecelatro III (New Hampshire), and Sister Exister (with Dani Leone, of San Francisico, California). Local writers and co-founders of the Gist Street Reading Series, Sherrie Flick and Nancy Krygowski, will also be special guests. 

"the smallest show in town" is hosted by Chris Leone, with grilled cheese by Alistair Spatz and Anna C Reilly, acoustic music by The Spurs of the Moment, and improv comedy led by Arcade Comedy Theater max team--Change Machine, and special guests Brian Gray, Andrea Wetherald, and Olivia Grace Traini.

Hatched years ago on the Left Coast in the city by the Bay, the smallest show in town is happy to find a new home base in Pittsburgh.

PRESALES: Suggested Admission is $12 for adults, $7 for seniors and kids or pay what you want!

 Tickets At the Door and $15 for adults and $10 for students

* Seating is general admission.