Diner salad, vegetable stuff, herbs
Toast with rose jam and butter
Fried eggplant with gremolata
Tomato sandwich
Mortadella and sunny side egg sandwich
Pound cake with blueberry jam.

Music by the #1 women herself, Kate Sweeney of bubble pop and tons of other amazing things in this world!

On the Patio and in the Lodge
All ages welcome
$$ only.

Probably going to be really fun so come out and eat the things summer is begining to give us. And mortadella from Salumeria Biellese. Bread is made from a blend of PA flours, chicken eats the same grain, gives us the eggs. Life is pretty cool.

Veggies are all grown by friends, Who Cooks for You Farm, Be.Wild.Er farm, and tomatoes from Becca's back yard. Blueberries picked from an organic pick your own, spot., great meditation.