Loyal Order: Rock Lottery
FREE // 21+

On Saturday February 6th, 25 random local musicans will be split up into 5 brand new bands. Everyone's name goes in a hat. They will have 24 hours to write 3 original songs and a cover song. They will perform their set the following evening, Sunday February 7th (Superbowl Sunday) on the downstairs stage at Spirit. It's a free event and the game will be on the TVs downstairs.

This is gonna be the best Loyal Order Sunday Night yet. We say fuck the Superbowl and come hang out and watch your favorite local musicians do something bad ass.

Loyal Order Sunday Night is an event that takes place on the first Sunday of every month at Spirit. It's aim is to pull musicians and artists out of their comfort zone in hopes that something cool will happen.

Interested musicians can contact donald@spiritpgh.com for future shows